At Spotlessmedia we bring all our experience of studio work and event photography to your business portrait. We come to you and work with the ambient light and our own lights to create natural, professional headshots and environmental portraits without disrupting the other staff.
(Please click on the images to see the correct resolution)
Shooting in the Factory
We are used to working in challenging environments, from dimly-lit, jaundiced factories, to harsh contrasty sunlight outside. We will endeavour to organise the best time of day for optimal light, but if circumstances conspire to make life difficult, we are more than capable of making the best of it.
Shooting in the Factory
We are used to working in challenging environments, from dimly-lit, jaundiced factories, to harsh contrast sunlight outside. We will endeavour to organise the best time of day for optimal light, but if circumstances conspire to make life difficult, we are more than capable of making the best of it.
The photographic rescue mission!
Recently, we were tasked with ‘fixing’ another photographer’s unsuccessful shoot. Unfortunately, as they were now close to the print deadline, we had very little time to deliver, so we took a bagful of lights, and a laptop to work on the images as they came out of the camera.
We turned off the office lights and relied on the large window and well-defused flashes in the background to create a bright, clean environment, free of harsh specular highlights and the otherwise pallid fluorescent illumination.
Rapport is key! The group photo below, is more natural than their previous shoot, with lovely smiley faces from the now, relaxed staff.